How to write a essay about myself
Corporal Punishment Essay Topics
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Delta Airlines Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Delta Airlines - Research Paper Example By and large a fluctuating conversion scale exists among dollar and euro which suggests that one euro isn't generally equivalents to one dollar. Consequently Delta Air Lines so as to fund its everyday activities needs to trade the euro for the dollars. The aircraft can be at a disadvantageous or in an invaluable position contingent on the current market circumstance. This prompts twisting in the profit of the carriers as the money trade influences the income of the organization. In the event that euro is high when contrasted with dollars, at that point while Delta Airline is changing over its gaining, which is from euro to dollar then the organization will have the option to profit by this circumstance. Like for example on the off chance that 1 Euro = $ 1.20, at that point for each euro the organization will get more dollar than what it had got if the circumstance is simply converse. Hence, cost caused in financial terms by the organization is of less or more incentive than companyâ €™s pay perceived in money related terms relying upon the economic situation. The carrier organization takes part in cash supporting so as to relieve money chance. Cash supporting implies ensuring against the vacillations in the trade rates by securing a specific conversion standard or a progression of trade rates (Vasigh, Fleming and Mackay, 2010; Papaioannou, 2006)). Delta Air Line partakes effectively in the Fuel supporting system so as to deal with the fuel value hazard. This program helps in lessening monetary effect that happens because of progress in the cost of fly fuel. Diverse product and agreement types are utilized in this fuel supporting project. The monetary productivity of the fence portfolio is assessed all the time with the budgetary focuses of the organization. As indicated by the overarching economic situation the support portfolios are rebalanced,... This paper focuses on that there are various offices that are given by the air terminal where the aircraft works. The air terminal searches for expanding their complete pay from business sources that makes both concession expenses and leases. The rental pay emerges essentially by leasing and renting the space either straightforwardly or by implication to the air terminal clients like the dealing with specialists, cargo forwarders and carriers. Then again, concession expenses are installment made by the specialist organizations to the air terminal position. Delta Air Lines that is working in different nations additionally pays lease to the air terminal expert for utilizing their space. The lease that the carrier pays relies on the region involved by the organization and the quantity of offices working in the air terminal. This exposition makes an end that the universal tasks of the organization are exposed to rivalry from both remote and local bearers. In such a situation, the aircraft so as to work beneficially has gone into partnership with outside bearers in which they have actualized code sharing and promoting understanding that thus will expand the capacity to sell global transportation and go past the customary passage urban areas like Asia and Europe. Simultaneously different aircrafts that have gone into partnership has additionally profited by the coalition by going into US showcase. Aside from this, the organization is likewise intensely subordinate upon innovation for their everyday tasks.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Using Online Essay Writing Samples For Your College Course
Using Online Essay Writing Samples For Your College CourseWhy would you want to turn to the Internet for essay writing samples? Even if you're not trying to get a great grade, you can always benefit from having examples of essays written for each topic covered in your college classes. Of course, it's not necessary that every online writing sample will be good, but you can find some that will give you some solid insights on how to write an essay.First, it's important to know what you're looking for when it comes to different essay writing samples. It's only appropriate that you spend a little time reviewing the choices before you make a decision about which one is the best for you. There are four basic types of essay writing samples available to you.You have articles. These are often the simplest writing samples. They also offer a free way to try them out so that you don't have to buy the product. Many of the articles out there are quite good, but you'll also have to decide whether yo u want to spend the time to rewrite it or not.Next, you have dissertations. This type of essay is designed to discuss a particular topic in more detail and to include various different sections of the topic. Sometimes this is done by combining several different essays into one article, but usually they're just given separately. Dissertations are often divided into smaller sections, too, so that students can learn more about different aspects of the topic.A long essay is the final choice for you. These aren't just long but actually require a lot of work to create, since you must include all of the topics discussed in the dissertation. Usually, these articles have lots of examples of the author's previous works as well as links to where he or she has talked about the topics you're dealing with in your college class.Finally, you have practice materials. These aren't simply pieces of paper where you simply copy out the information. Practice materials are the exact same type of writing m aterial that you would use in class. They're also used by many other students to see what they're doing right and what they need to improve upon.Whether you turn to essay writing samples or not, the quality of the material you get from writing centers on the type of writing meter, usage of various types of words, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, and the like. If you're not sure what to do to make your writing better, you should turn to essay writing samples. That way, you can learn from someone who's used the topic you're writing about before.Since the quality of essay writing samples isn't all that important, you might as well be prepared to pay a little bit more for them. If you've decided to get a copy of your school's syllabus to look at, you may as well spend that money to get quality.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The fall of the Disciples Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The fall of the Disciples - Research Paper Example It is said that he implored the entire night for these men. At the point when he called them, a significant number of them appeared to be improbable decisions, however they all decided to tail him. As they proceeded with their stroll with Christ, he regularly appealed to God for them as expressed in John 17. Indeed, even in examples when the devotees were not exactly relentless in their walk, Jesus was still there to help and petition God for them. In Luke 22:31, the Lord converses with his follower Simon about petitions for him, he reveals to him that he will appeal to God for him regardless of whether the villain attempts to grab him away. It is this pledge to his adherents and his steady mediation for them that prompts their achievement in the future1. Jesus didn't choose people of incredible instructive legitimacy. None of the followers had considered law or accomplished any grant work. Notwithstanding this, Jesus despite everything picked them to be his adherents. In doing as su ch, he needed to show to the world that any of them could turn out to be much the same as the devotees. Their pledge to the Lord was what made them become extraordinary men. He was additionally saying something that the fantastic arrangement of salvation didn't require glorious men. In a few occasions, these supporters demonstrated that they were deserving of their calling. Dwindle, who happened to be Jesus’ top pick, displayed a snapshot of incredible confidence when he strolled on water. Jesus had given no security pad or stay for him, and Peter just depended on his promise for progress. Truth be told, it was this incredible presentation of confidence that earned him the option to witness Christ’s transfiguration. The unprecedented things completed by this individual were with the end goal that they would pass on incredible trust later on for mankind. Jesus had at first proclaimed that the individuals who turned into his supporters would need to abhor their families and everything else that made a difference to them so as to satisfy the celestial arrangement. A significant number of them yielded their own lives for the Gospel. They stayed faithful to him and encountered the dismissal that he encountered. Basically, they exhibited a devotion to the Lord that would in the long run cause Christianity to show. This choice to remain with him was characteristic of their conviction and strength2. Furthermore, in Christ’s lifetime, the supporters performed extraordinary acts through his name. In Luke 10:1 Jesus instructed the seventy to proceed to recuperate the debilitated. He additionally included that the realm of God would draw close to them in a similar part. Luke 10:17 demonstrates that they paid attention to his words since they returned cheering to Christ. The seventy insisted that it was conceivable to curb devils through his name. These demonstrations show that the pupils had confidence in Jesus. At that point, it was adequate enough t o arrive at the extraordinary domain. Weak confidence various pupils appeared to need trust in his capacity to lead profoundly. In this way, they showed an incredible level of obliviousness that was surprising from individuals who invested practically the entirety of their energy with Jesus. An a valid example was the situation of the supernatural occurrence of the five portions and two fish. At that point, Christ trained Andrew to discover food inside the group. At the point when he returned, Andrew declared that there were just five portions and two fish to be found. He at that point asked what could emerge out of such a little amount if the group was so enormous. This announcement inferred that he had little confidence in Jesus’ capacity. One would hope for something else from an individual who has seen Jesus perform marvels in the past3. The pupils likewise neglected to
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Langston Hughes and the Renaissance of Black Womanhood - Free Essay Example
Born in Joplin, Missouri, in 1902, Langston Hughes said, My earliest memories of written words were those of W.E.B. Du Bois and the Bible. In 1919, in an essay called The Damnation of Women, W.E.B Dubois wrote that women have been frankly trodden under the feet of men, but of women themselves he stated that None have been more sweetly feminine, more unswervingly loyal, more desperately earnest, and more instinctively pure in body and in soul than the daughters of my black mothers. As caregivers, partners, muses, and leaders, Langston Hughes would continue this recognition through poems and short stories that were dynamic in their interpretations of black womanhood. He depicted them as multidimensional individuals, real in a time where where women in general were seen from an aesthetic distance as ideals. By creating women who were complex, Hughes demonstrated universal human qualities in an African American context that would transform both race and womanhood. Hughes grew up in Kansas with his maternal grandmother, Mary, after his parents separated and pursued work. Jim Crow laws and poverty shaped him into a radical writer. He graduated high school in 1919, right before the decade after women won the right to vote and the decade of the embodiment of the liberated woman in the image of the flapper. He attended Columbia University for a year and then traveled throughout Europe and Africa before returning to the states. Before he graduated from Lincoln University in Pennsylvania, he was already producing and publishing works. Moving to the burrow of Harlem, New York, changed the course of his life as well as other African Americans moving to this area at the time. Hughes became intricately apart of what is referred to as the Harlem Renaissance, a cultural explosion which brought to the forefront of American consciousness an outpouring of literary expression on black themes by young black writers. In the poem, Mother and Son, Hughes uses an extended metaphor to symbolize the personal and spiritual importance of struggle, endurance, and faith as a black woman in America. Structurally, the poem provides the folk diction and rhythm that made the mother real. The lines have varying syllabic length which simulates the inflections of black speech. By also using her as the main voice, Hughes gives her a platform to speak for herself, about her own experience. Using the metaphor of a stairway, the mother tells her son that the journey of life more closely resembles a long, trying walk up the dark, decrepit stairways of a tenement than a glide down a crystal stair. The crystal stair is a metaphor for the American dream and its promise that all Americans shall have equal opportunities. Through the metaphor of ascent, however, Hughes suggests how the mother has kept hope and faith for a life out of poverty to one of redemption. Hughes connected a natural human endeavor of progression and success with the advice from this wise mother, with the last lines reading, For Ise still goin, honey, Ise still climbin, And life for me aint been no crystal stair. The work, The Negro Mother, also uses the metaphor of of a staircase to captivate the theme of black woman humanity, endurance, and celebration. As in the earlier poem, the rhythm results in a simulation of black rhetoric. The reader becomes aware of the longevity of black suffering in America- three hundred years. During this period, unmentioned experiences forged the dream like steel in the mothers soul. The fervor of this dream gave birth to a determination. Consequently, the dream also inspired her to survive a valley filled with tears and a road hot with sun. Although she has been beaten and mistreated, and warns her offspring that racial restrictions still exist, her spirit has endured. The mother overcame the selling of her children, her inability to read and write, the everyday labors of working in fields, all while having no safety, no love, no respect Nevertheless, the will of the mother tries to inspire and motivate the children of future generations, Oh, my dark children, may my dreams and my prayers Impel you forever up the great stairs For I will be with you till no white brother Dares keep down the children of the Negro Mother. In the poem, A Song to a Negro Wash-Woman, Hughes also resinates humanistic sentiments. Though it is not in the specific voice of a woman, it recognizes and celebrates the many that worked for white families. The work describes the type of chores and long hours that African American working women endured to get by and provide for their families, I know how you send your children to school, and high school, and even college. I know how you work and help your man when times are hard. I know how you build your house up from the wash-tub and call it home. The poem also reveals the secret of black art: the ability to transform suffering into good: And Ive seen you singing, wash-woman. Out in the back- yard garden under the apple trees, singing, hanging white clothes on long lines in the sun-shine. In conclusion, Langston Hughes seems to be determined to not only show himself, but women as individuals. His portraits do not show them as passive victims, but as people who are trying to make the best choice from the few options available. Focusing on the poor and displaces, using grittier language, often in black dialect, he still manages to embody African American women as a positive and active concept of womanhood, despite maybe her low speech and probable life of poverty. By using ugly images and sometimes ugly language, Hughes shows the rest of society the type of extent prejudice that black american women faced. Hughes used the recognition and renaissance of female back consciousness to echo his wishes of the world. He believed that the elevation of black women were inseparable from racial progress, and by showing them as more complex, more real, and less as symbols of sexuality, Hughes promoted an idea in which women were celebrated as taking control of their futures despite having racial and gender limitations. If he did not show black womanhood as beautiful, he did show them as having a degree of power. Hughes expressed, in a time that was deeply racist and segregated, that African American women were not only exceptional, but were human. They deserved respect.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Second Treatise Of Government By Locke - 1111 Words
One of Locke’s most influential writings was his â€Å"Second Treatise of Government†. In this essay, Locke discusses his ideal version of government, in which a â€Å"social contract†is exchanged between the subjects and the government in power. In discussing this social contract, Locke provides a distinction between express consent and tacit consent. In our discussion today, much of our time will be spent discussing tacit consent. For our purposes, we will define tacit consent as a nonverbal, implied, voluntary act of permission or agreement. In Locke’s â€Å"Second Treatise of Government†, he asserts that all individuals are equal and independent, so thus no one is superior over another. In governments though, there is a fundamental hierarchical nature in which there are leaders, who are superior, than say, the subjects. In order to fix this problem, Locke introduces the concept of Tacit Consent. Locke sums up tacit consent by saying â€Å"And to this I say, that every man, that hath any possessions, or enjoyment, of any part of the dominions of any government, cloth thereby give his tacit consent, and is as far forth obliged to obedience to the laws of that government, during such enjoyment, as any one under it; †Basically, if an individual is benefitting from resources given to them by the government, then they have tacitly consented to also accept the burdens of that government and follow the laws set forth by that government. So, have we as a nation, provided tacit consent to the USShow MoreRelatedThe Second Treatise Of Government By John Locke1593 Words  | 7 Pagessociety. In the publication The Second Treatise of Government, John Locke was the first to promote individualism over society. Though his ideas were considered as liberal, now are embraced by many conservative. John Locke’s ideas are the basis of the American government and so it is important to keep America s nature; the rights of life, liberty to own property, and the pursuit of happiness; at heart when creating laws. In Locke’s second treatise of government, John Locke described that to understandRead MoreJohn Locke : The Second Treatises Of Government2344 Words  | 10 PagesJohn Locke was an incredibly encouraging figure in the development of the ideals and methods of political functioning in the United States of America. John Locke applied many of his studies to write one of his most famous and moving works. â€Å"The Second Treatises of Government†is the document which ultimately struck the United States in their creation of the Declaration of Independence. In Locke’s work he had focused on the idea that governments shouldn’t be dictated by anyone person, but ultimatelyRead MoreJohn Locke : The Second Treatise Of Government1808 Words  | 8 PagesJohn Locke: Discussion 1 While reading the â€Å"The Second Treatise of Government,†you can notice and see that John Locke has a strong standing for civil rights as well as helping with the development of the Constitution of the United States. He states that the â€Å"consent of the governed,†is basically saying that communities are not put together by the divine right or ruled by. Paternal, familial, and political are types of powers that John Locke mentions that have all have unlike characteristics.Read MoreJohn Locke s The Second Treatise Of Government918 Words  | 4 PagesJohn Locke’s ‘The Second Treatise of Government’, is a book which narrates his key ideologies, helping to underscore the primary reason for being regarded as the â€Å"father of Classical Liberalism†. Classical Liberalism, although having been on the rise for some time, was given its concrete foundation by Locke. Essentially, in his text, Locke conveys his interpretation of what certain aspects of classical liberalism, such as liberty, property, and entail. A fundamental principle of Locke’s book isRead MoreIn The Second Treatise Of Government, John Locke Offers1637 Words  | 7 PagesIn the Second Treatise of Government, John Locke offers a theory of human beings as owners of their own persons and labor, and of a natural right to property, which is the function of civil society to protect. In the Discourse on the Origin of Inequality, Rousseau argues that â€Å"private property is an artificial creation and the source of crimes, wars, miseries, and horrors†(Rousseau. p. 62). Locke and Rousseau have radically different conclusions after beginning from seemingly similar views on laborRead MoreJohn Locke s Second Treatise Of Government1322 Words  | 6 PagesJohn Locke’s Second Treatise of Government is one of the most influential works in the modern political canon. In the wake of the English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution, Locke analyzes the origins and duties of government. Locke’s ideas of ina lienable rights and natural equality are the classical enunciation of liberalism. His writings have impacted political institutions across the globe, including the American Constitution. In this paper, I will argue that, although Locke’s conception ofRead MoreJohn Locke s The Second Treatise Of Civil Government977 Words  | 4 PagesMadeline Boche Dr. Thorn Philosophy 1301.040 24 March 2017 John Locke’s The Second Treatise of Civil Government In John Locke’s The Second Treatise of Civil Government, Locke discusses what the moral state of nature is and rejects the idea of a â€Å"divine right of kings.†John Locke was a product of the best schools in England and had a heavy impact on Western thought through his writings. As a Christ Church graduate, Locke largely discusses in his writings the state of nature, the concept of naturalRead MoreJohn Locke: Second Treatise of Civil Government Essay900 Words  | 4 PagesCivil Government and Locke The Second Treatise of Government provides Lockes theorizes the individual rights and involvement with the government; he categorizes them in two areas -- natural rights theory and social contract. 1.Natural state; rights which human beings are to have before government comes into being. 2.Social contact; when conditions in natural state are unsatisfactory, and theres need to develop society into functioning of central government. Political Power and NaturalRead MoreJohn Locke: Second Treatise of Civil Government Essay1081 Words  | 5 Pages John Locke was born on August 29, 1632, into a middle class family during late Renaissance England. Locke started his studies at Christ Church in Oxford. He then went into medical studies and received a medical license, which he practiced under Anthony Cooper. They became friends, and when Cooper became Earl of Shaftesbury, Locke was able to hold minor government jobs and became involved in politics. Shaftesbury steered Locke towards the views of a government whose law was fair to all, and all wereRead MoreThomas Hobbes And John Locke s Leviathan And Second Treatise Of Government1852 Words  | 8 PagesHobbes vs. Locke This paper will compare and contrast the beliefs of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke expressed in Leviathan and Second Treatise of Government. The paper will show the basic differences between the two philosophers views, is Hobbes distrust of the people and Locke s relatively greater trust of the people and distrust of the government s power and the likelihood of the abuse of that power. Hobbes view in Leviathan aims at ensuring civil order, which means for him the absolute power
McDonald, unethical marketing free essay sample
McDonald is the largest leading multinational fast food restaurant with more than 33000 food chains worldwide in 119 countries, serving 68 millions of customers daily. Despite McDonald’s prevalent brand name under globalization, many of its marketing strategies are come into question in terms of ethnicity. In the following essay, some of those unethical issues of McDonald being criticized will be analyzed based on the values-oriented framework, which refers to the AMA Statement of Ethics and ICC International Code of Advertising Practice. Successful marketing could seize the opportunity according to the need of the public, giving people what they want while maintaining profitable. In response to the changing customer tastes towards a healthier life style, McDonald has provided healthier and low calories options like salads and fruit. It also offered larger variety of nutritious food in Happy Meals. (G. M. Cheeseman, 2011) All these are the marketing strategies McDonald adopted in order to establish a health-friendly brand image. We will write a custom essay sample on McDonald, unethical marketing? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page According to the AMA Statement of Ethics, marketers should embrace ethical values like honesty, fairness, responsibility and transparency. For honesty and fairness, McDonald does not offer food of nutritious value as it claims in its advertisement. Deceptive advertising strategy is used to depict that its food is healthy for daily consumption. In spite of McDonald’s willingness to disclose the nutrition information of its food, the customers will never be acknowledged of the use of additives, preservatives and chemical value added to the food, which may adversely affect our health upon over-consumption. For instance, it had been discovered that chemical ingredients like preservative TBHQ is contained in McDonald’s nuggets. (CNN Health, 2010) Transparency is undoubtedly violated given that McDonald’s intention of trying to conceal the harmful production process and risk of food consumption. On the other hand, the recent introduction of the â€Å"Super Captain†meal is known as fattening as 6 bowls of rice, supporting the fact that McDonald will hardly be a healthy choice. Apart from the unauthentic advertising of its nutrition value, McDonald also employs the â€Å"limited availability†and â€Å"back due to demand†marketing tactic to facilitate the demand of the product. Knowing that the product would soon be unavailable, people would rush to try out so as to ensure that they would not miss anything. (K. Johnson, 2012) Fairness and responsibility are infringed given that McDonald is trying to seek financial profit to the detriment of the nations health. Marketing to children is another issue that McDonald has long been criticized and accused of. Including toy in Happy Meal is one of the marketing strategies directly targeted to children. The lure of toys and cartoon charterers in the advertisement can be acted as an inducement for them to consume the meal, which has direct relationship to childhood obesity, diet related diseases and other impacts on children’s health. (G. O. Brien, 2011) However, most of the McDonald advertisements are usually aired during kid’s programming afternoon sessions. It is believed that children are vulnerable to marketing and they are immature enough to understand the marketing tactic nor having the final purchasing power. Restriction and legislation concerning marketing to children therefore exist. According to the consolidated ICC Code regarding the marketing to children, products inappropriate for children should not be advertised in media targeted to them. On one hand, fast food eating culture should not be encouraged to the young people given its negative impact to health. On the other hand, it is unethical to leave parents out of the marketing strategies. (C. Smith, 2010) To conclude, unethical marketing strategies and marketing to children should be strictly prohibited given its adverse impact to the society. In fact, we can see that McDonald has put its effort towards establishing a healthier and more marketing ethnical publicity comparing to years back. However, further improvement can still be made. Multination Corporation like McDonald which has immense impact on the society should have the responsibility to be a leader in ethical marketing.
Monday, April 20, 2020
Narragansett Yacht Essay Example
Narragansett Yacht Essay 1. What is the economic ordering quantity for standard 5-inch winches if they are ordered from (a) Supplier A, and (b) Supplier B? Round your answers up to the next whole unit, because Narragansett cannot order a fraction of a winch. What assumptions are implied in the EOQ model? Do these assumptions appear reasonable when applied to Narragansett Yacht? How many orders should be placed each year if Narragansett buys from Supplier A? If the firm buys from Supplier B? What is the reorder point (in units) for each supplier? Assume for now that no safety stocks are held and use a 360-day year. Calculate the total inventory cost (the cost of ordering plus the cost of carrying inventories) that Narragansett would incur from each supplier. On the basis of the information developed thus far, which supplier should Narragansett use? Narragansett currently carries a safety stock of 75 winches to protect itself against stockouts due to delivery delays and/or an increase in its usage rate. However, if it decides to switch to Supplier B, Narragansett would need to increase the safety stock to 150 units to reflect Supplier B’s longer lead time. a. Assuming that the desired safety stock is currently on hand, what is the total cost of ordering and carrying inventories, including the safety stock, using Supplier A? What is the cost of using Supplier B? b. How does the introduction of safety stocks affect the reorder points as calculated in Question 3? c. Assume that there is a shipping delay. How many days after an order is placed could Narragansett continue to operate, at its expected usage rate, before its entire stock of 5-inch winches is reduced to zero? Compute this figure for both Supplier A and Supplier B. We will write a custom essay sample on Narragansett Yacht specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Narragansett Yacht specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Narragansett Yacht specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Narragansett’s production is relatively constant throughout the year, but if its sales and production were highly seasonal, could the EOQ model still be used? If so, would modifications be required? Explain. Suppose Supplier A, the current supplier, offers a 2 percent discount on the $300 per- unit purchase price on orders of 250 or more units. In an attempt to win the contract, Supplier B is also offering a 2 percent discount on ordersof 250 or more. Should Narragansett take the quantity discount from Supplier A? In answering this question, assume that Narragansett holds a 75-unit safety stock. ) What are some methods that Narragansett might use to control the inventory of 5-inch winches? That is, how can it keep track of the number of units in stock and then be sure an order is placed when the order point is reached? In many situations, companies are using just-in-time inventory procedures with good results. What is involved in the JIT approach, and what factors would need t o be considered before you could recommend that Narragansett adopt or not adopt a JIT system
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